Policy & Strategy
The Policy and Strategy Department of the Fund became operational on 1st July 2015. Its core responsibility is to coordinate the development and implementation of the Fund’s policies, strategies, plans, and reports to ensure the achievement of URF’s goals and objectives.
The Department among others supports the following key responsibilities of the Fund;
- Plan and oversee the implementation of Technical, Strategic and Policy research and ensure appropriate dissemination of the findings to stakeholders.
- Manage and coordinate the development and implementation of URF’s Business strategy and mainstream sector plans, policies, and standards into URF operation.
- Development, implementation, and monitoring of an enterprise-wide Risk Management Function of the Fund.
- Develop and implement Operational and Management systems, 2G Road Fund business processes, workflow streams, standards operating policies, and procedures for URF.
- Manage and coordinate the implementation of the 5-year Strategic Plan of the Fund and report on the implementation of 1, 3, and 5-year road maintenance financing plans of the Fund.
- Manage and coordinate URF reporting schedule, prepare and disseminate monthly, quarterly, and annual reports of the Fund.
- Establish and maintain a framework to ensure currency of URF database of road assets, Unit costs of designated agencies.
- Provide for URF’s presence and participation in the transport sector forum and related fora.
- Oversee formations and operations of District Road Committees (DRC’s).
- Advise Management on new Strategic changes in the sector in respect of sector policies, strategic plans of Designated Agencies.
- Manage and coordinate URF participation at Africa Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) and operationalize road maintenance pronouncements from the regional body.